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Dystopian People

March 23, 2012


Now part of what makes this series so addictive to read is its resonance with the innate human desire for things to be set right.

Cooking through the Hunger Games!

March 22, 2012


We have an extra place setting for you, dear reader, so come join our table and enjoy this tasty meal (if I may say so myself!) with us. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the tale of the creation of this food.

Is Jennifer Lawrence the Real Deal?

March 21, 2012


Books have a way with readers. One page, one word and you are completely taken in. But there’s always that moment when you realize that the wonderful story you have been enraptured in is all made up, and the realization hits that you aren’t a part of it.

The Hunger Games Cast

March 21, 2012


I’m going to talk about the movie’s casting choices instead. Yes, yes, I know, there’s some major controversy there. “Peeta doesn’t look like that!” “There’s no way that Miley Cyrus’s boyfriend can play Gale!”

Fatal Attraction: Why do we Love the Dystopic Novel?

March 20, 2012


In a society with some primary female role models like Kardashians and Bachelor contestants, are we now hungry for the modeling of women willing to stand firm in a gritty and grimy fight for reality and personal freedom? Is Katniss Everdeen our Bella Swan palate cleanser?

Why I Hate Meeting Boys… A Guest Post

May 31, 2011


And maybe that’s the problem: boys have a one-track mind. If they’re approaching a girl who they think is pretty (and those are the only girls they’re going to approach anyway), they’re ultimately thinking only of one thing.

What’s so wrong with being wifey material? I’ll tell you what’s wrong…

October 13, 2010


Here it is, readers- another guest post, this time written by the one and only Chris Miller aka MillsyF. If reading this post leaves you wanting more from my friend and fellow blogger, check out  The Yuppie Dilemma.

What’s so Wrong with Being Wifey Material?

October 13, 2010


This is a guest post from a friend who has had two relationships end with the same puzzling excuse: she was too “perfect.”